Restorative Justice

Restorative Justice is an approach of addressing harm or the risk of harm through engaging all those affected in coming to a common understanding and agreement on how the harm or wrongdoing can be repaired and justice achieved.

Restorative Justice brings those harmed by crime and those responsible for the harm into communication with each other enabling everyone affected by a particular incident to play a part in repairing the harm and finding a positive way forward.

Restorative Justice offers victims an opportunity to be heard, to ask questions of the offender and to have their say in the resolution of harm caused.

For offenders, Restorative Justice provides an opportunity to face the consequences of their actions, recognising the impact that their offending behaviour has had upon others and, where possible make amends.


Restorative Justice: Three-Dimensional Collaboration


  • Receive support, assistance, information, and services.
  • Receive restitution and/or other reparation from the offender.
  • Are involved and encouraged to provide input at all points in the justice process, including direct input into how the offender will repair the harm done.
  • Have an opportunity to face the offender/s and tell their story if they so desire.
  • Feel satisfied with the justice process.


  • Complete restitution to their victims.
  • Provide meaningful service to repay the debt to their communities.
  • Face the personal harm caused by their crimes by participating in victim offender mediation, if the victim is willing, or through other victim awareness processes.
  • Complete work experience and tasks which increase skills and improve the community.
  • Monitored by community representatives as well as justice providers, and supervised to the greatest extent possible in the community.
  • Improve decision-making skills and have opportunities to help others.

Families and Community Members

  • Are involved to the greatest extent possible in offender accountability and rehabilitation, and in developing community safety initiatives.
  • Work with offenders on local community service projects.
  • Provide support to victims.
  • Provide work for offenders so they can pay restitution to victims.
  • Provide service opportunities that allow offenders to learn skills and make meaningful contributions to the quality of community life.
  • Assist families to support young offenders in their obligation to repair the harm and increase competencies.
  • Play an advisory role to Courts and the Probation Service.
  • Act as mentors to assist offenders with developing competencies, including completing job applications, studying for tests, and becoming productive members of society.

The production of this website was made possible by funding from the Department of Justice, through the Probation Service.


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